Polymorphism of an intergenic section from the Long Single-Copy (LSC) region. Alignment of eight amaranth chloroplast genomes using MAFFT depicts a close up of a highly polymorphic intergenic region between the tRNAs for Threonine (left) and Leucine (right). Each vertical line or gap depicted in each sequence corresponds to a polymorphism between tested species (the colors correspond to different nucleotides). Genes are depicted in green and tRNAs are shown in pink.

  Part of: Galindo Gonzalez L, Gagnon M-C, Kyte S, Charron A, Colville A (2022) Full chloroplast sequencing using genome skimming for novel plant DNA barcode discovery in Amaranths. ARPHA Conference Abstracts 5: e87349. https://doi.org/10.3897/aca.5.e87349