ARPHA Conference Abstracts : Conference Abstract
Conference Abstract
Low (COI) differentiation between the Carabus hungaricus populations in the Carpathian basin
expand article infoBérces Sándor, David Fülöp§, Miklós Bozsó|, Zsolt Pénzes
‡ Duna-Ipoly National Park, Budapest, Hungary
§ MTA ATK NÖVI, Budapest, Hungary
| Plant Health and Molecular Biology Laboratory, National Food Chain Safety Office, Directorate of Plant Protection, Soil Conservation and Agri-environment, Budapest, Hungary
¶ University of Szeged, Department of Ecology, Szeged, Hungary
Open Access


The main goal of our study was to analyse the differences between Carabus hungaricus populations in different regions in the Carpathian basin, and to clear the taxonomic rank of the three subspecies living in the area. We performed analyses of mitochondrial genes (COI) to analyse regional isolation besides taxonomic questions. Extensive sampling was preformed spatially, focusing also on the different habitat types hosting C. hungaricus populations. Low differences were found based on mitochondrial genes (COI) between populations living in the Carpathian basin. Neither spatial nor habitat based differences were significant. Some difference were found in the COI sequences from Deliblato sands (Serbia), while significant difference in the COI sequences was found when analysing specimen from the Crimea. The question arises: was there a refugia for Carabus hungaricus within the Carpathian basin in the Ice Ages? To answer this question further research is needed.


Carabus hungaricus, COI, Carpathian basin

Presenting author

Bérces Sándor

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