ARPHA Conference Abstracts : Conference Abstract
Corresponding author: Angel Dyugmedzhiev (
Received: 10 Sep 2019 | Published: 11 Sep 2019
© 2019 Angel Dyugmedzhiev, Kostadin Andonov, Borislav Naumov, Simeon Lukanov, Miroslav Slavchev, Emiliya Vacheva, Nikola Stanchev, Georgi Popgeorgiev, Deyan Duhalov, Yurii Kornilev, Daniela Nedeltcheva-Antonova
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Citation: Dyugmedzhiev A, Andonov K, Naumov B, Lukanov S, Slavchev M, Vacheva E, Stanchev N, Popgeorgiev G, Duhalov D, Kornilev Y, Nedeltcheva-Antonova D (2019) Comparison of methodologies for the extraction of snakes’ (Reptilia: Serpentes) skin secretions and preliminary results on the presence of pheromones. ARPHA Conference Abstracts 2: e46456.
During this preliminary study, 26 specimens from 8 different snake species were examined. Three methodologies for extraction of skin secretions by immersion of skin in n-hexane were used:
We did not immerse the head and tail to avoid contamination of the samples. All samples were collected during snakes’ active period (February – first half of June) and were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/qMS).
Based on the prevalence in the fraction of long-chained hydrocarbons, lipids or lipids with ketones we can separate the samples in three categories. The lipid fractions were present mainly in the shed skin samples, while the long-chained hydrocarbons dominated in the live specimens. According to the literature, ketones are the main component of the snakes’ pheromone communication. We found ketones in five samples, three live and two dead specimens, from five different species (Vipera ammodytes (Linnaeus, 1758), V. berus (Linnaeus, 1758), Dolichophis caspius (Gmelin, 1789), Natrix natrix (Linnaeus, 1758), and Platyceps najadum (Eichwald, 1831)). No ketones were found in the shed skin extracts. Ketones were found only in adults, both males and females. Presence of ketones was observed only for the period from the end of May to the beginning of June.
Based on the preliminary results, we can suggest that secretion extraction from live specimens in the field could prove a valuable method in studies on snake pheromones in addition to the already developed methodologies. We speculate that the pheromones are present only in the reproductive and probably post-reproductive period. However, further research with larger sample size is required.
communication, ketones, lipids, reproduction, Vipera, GC/MS.
Yurii Kornilev
Vth International Congress on Biodiversity: „Taxonomy, Speciation and Euro-Mediterranean Biodiversity“
Fund for Scientific Research, Ministry of Education and Science, grant КП-06-Н21/11 / 14.12.2018