ARPHA Conference Abstracts : Conference Abstract
Corresponding author: Boryana Hristova Katinova (
Received: 26 Sep 2019 | Published: 27 Sep 2019
© 2019 Boryana Katinova, Olia Karadjova, Zhenya Ilieva
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Citation: Katinova BH, Karadjova OE, Ilieva ZI (2019) New data on Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Bulgaria. ARPHA Conference Abstracts 2: e46861.
The Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is considered to be one of the world’s most destructive fruit pests because of its global distribution, wide host range and rapid dispersal. In the period 1956–2006, transient populations of the pest have been reported regularly in Bulgaria. The Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA) initiated monitoring of C. capitata in 15 regions of the country. The surveys were conducted during the period 2013–2018, using Jackson traps with attractant trimedlure and Tephri traps with Biolure.
The presence of adults of C. capitata was confirmed in peach, apple and mixed orchards, as well as in private yards at five locations in southern and south-eastern Bulgaria: Blagoevgrad, Kyustendil, Pazardzhik, Plovdiv and Sliven. The results from the five-year monitoring showed a variable abundance of C. capitata adults captured in different years and localities. The highest mean captures were recorded in 2014 (195) and 2018 (422), no specimen of the C. capitata was found in 2017. In 2018 the most abundant captures were from fruit gardens in Plovdiv (297♀;65♂) and Sliven (18♀; 22♂). Over the entire study period, the lowest rate of adult captures was in July and August (only a few individuals in traps in each region).
The population abundance began to increase at the beginning of mid-September and a peak was observed at the beginning of mid-October. The results on the seasonal population fluctuations obtained are similar to data from neighbouring countries: northern Greece, Montenegro, Croatia, Romania, and Turkey.
Ceratitis capitata, monitoring, distribution, abundance, Bulgaria
Boryana Katinova
Vth International Congress on Biodiversity: „Taxonomy, Speciation and Euro-Mediterranean Biodiversity“
This work was partially supported by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science under the National Research Programme "Healthy Foods for a Strong Bio-Economy and Quality of Life" approved by DCM # 577 / 17.08.2018" . The traps and the lures for the period 2013–2015 and part of the lures used in the surveys in 2018 were provided by the IAEA TC projects: RER5018 ‘Supporting Fruit Fly Pest Prevention and Management in the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean’ and RER/5/020 ‘Controlling Fruit Flies in the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean’.