ARPHA Conference Abstracts :
Conference Abstract
Corresponding author: Dalila Destanović (
Received: 20 Feb 2021 | Published: 04 Mar 2021
© 2021 Dalila Destanović, Lejla Ušanović, Jasna Hanjalić, Lejla Lasić, Belma Kalamujić Stroil
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Destanović D, Ušanović L, Hanjalić J, Lasić L, Kalamujić Stroil B (2021) Unheeded biodiversity: perspectives of DNA barcoding of Trichoptera in Bosnia and Herzegovina. ARPHA Conference Abstracts 4: e64709.
Bosnia and Herzegovina has valuable natural resources with a high percentage of endemic and autochthonous species (
Our fieldwork was done in all five protected areas (spring of the Bosna River, Bijambare, Trebević, Skakavac, and Bentbaša) in which larvae samples were collected according to the AQEM sampling methodology. The standard animal DNA barcode was successfully obtained using degenerated primers LCO1490- JJ and HCO2198-JJ (
Out of 684 collected individuals (313 Trebević, 130 spring of the Bosna River, 117 Bijambare, 71 Bentbaša, 53 Skakavac), a subset of specimens were sequenced. We uncovered 14 different taxa, 11 genera and six families (Limnephilidae, Glossosomatidae, Rhyacophilidae, Goeridae, Hydropsychidae, Polycentropodidae). The preliminary data of Trichoptera composition in the Sarajevo Canton indicated species richness. Based on our sequential data, a new subspecies was discovered in two investigated areas (
Several problems prevented us from exploiting sequential data to the fullest. Despite a general notion among scientists that European Trichoptera species are well covered in the BOLD database, most of the sequences we obtained were absent from the database. Secondly, we recognized that morphological data about the larval developmental stage of B&H Trichoptera species are largely missing. The unified, updated, and complete data on this order of insects is urgently needed. However, insufficient financial support by governmental institutions and lack of systematic approach to barcoding the wildlife of Bosnia and Herzegovina hampers this process.
Further attempts to collaborate with the stakeholders can be crucial with profound and substantial implications for biomonitoring of aquatic macroinvertebrates in general. New approaches, such as novel DNA barcoding-based methodology can fill an important gap in our knowledge of Balkan caddisflies haplotypes, lineages, and their diversification and distribution patterns.
Trichoptera, Bosnia and Herzegovina, DNA barcoding
Dalila Destanović
1st DNAQUA International Conference (March 9-11, 2021)