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1st DNAQUA International Conference 2021
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Edited by Alex Weigand, Agnès Bouchez, Florian Leese
This first DNAQUA International Conference, organised by the COST Action DNAqua-Net, (CA15219) will give the opportunity to scientists and stakeholders to get in touch and informed on the latest outputs of DNA-based aquatic biomonitoring. While methods are leaving the labs where they have been developed, and are being tested in real life, it is now time to deepen the dialogue between academia, industry and stakeholders from countries all around the world to find implementation and standardisation solutions.
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Edited by Alex Weigand, Agnès Bouchez, Florian Leese
Edited by Fedor Čiampor, Torbjørn Ekrem, Alex Weigand, Agnès Bouchez, Florian Leese
Edited by Kat Bruce, Emre Keskin, Alex Weigand, Agnès Bouchez, Florian Leese
Edited by Diego Fontaneto, Alain Franc, Alex Weigand, Agnès Bouchez, Florian Leese
Edited by Pieter Boets, Patricia Mergen, Daniel Hering, Alex Weigand, Agnès Bouchez, Florian Leese
Edited by Maria Kahlert, Jan Pawlowski, Alex Weigand, Agnès Bouchez, Florian Leese

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