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2nd Joint Symposium of Environmental Biogeochemistry and Subsurface Microbiology
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Edited by Ernest Chi Fru, Alex Chik, Frederick Colwell, Maria Dittrich, Annette Engel, Sarah Keenan, Rainer Meckenstock, Christopher Omelon, Lotta Purkamo, and Chris Weisener

The Joint Symposium will bring together scientists from all over the world to discuss recent developments and discoveries from all aspects of environmental biogeochemistry and subsurface microbiology.

The Organizing Committee welcomes everyone in fields related to biogeochemistry, geobiology, ecology, environmental microbiology, subsurface microbiology, environmental engineering, geochemistry, biochemistry, soil sciences, geology, oceanography, climatology, and astrobiology. We also welcome contributions that showcase the latest technologies in biogeochemistry and subsurface microbiology,

The symposium will include oral sessions, poster sessions, optional field excursions, and social and networking activities. There will be a range of invited and keynote speakers, a banquet, student and early career science awards, and events to honor past members who we lost recently.

Abstract submission deadline is June 1st, 2023. For more information, please visit:

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