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Integrated monitoring of long-term changes in vegetation
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Edited by Stefan Dullinger, Pieter De Frenne, Thomas Dirnböck
Global changes are causing major perturbations in vegetation worldwide, with significant impacts on biodiversity and the biogeochemistry of ecosystems. Climate warming is shifting species poleward and upward, droughts cause changes in plant functional type spectra, nitrogen deposition is posing a threat to rare specialist plants, and agricultural management is favouring high-productive species at the expense of diversity. In many parts of the world, these changes occur upon a pattern of historic land uses, additionally affecting change trajectories. These complexities necessitate an integrated approach that considers the full range of drivers, long-term data, and scenario techniques within the context of ecosystem research. In this session, we will present single-site and cross-site studies, both experimental and observational, that exemplify the insights gained by combining time series of drivers (land use, soil, microclimate) with those documenting changes to plants and plant communities.
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