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Nature based Solutions (incl. Carbon Farming): implementation, monitoring and modelling
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Edited by Paulina Rajewicz, Natalie Marie Gulsrud, Hannes Mollenhauer, Daniel Orenstein, Vassilios Pisinaras
Nature-based solutions (NbS) offer potentially viable strategies to address trans-sectoral Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) NEXUS challenges while strengthening resilience against climate crises across urban and rural landscapes. One example of NbS gaining widespread interest is Carbon Removal and Farming (CRCF). CRCF might include e.g., cover cropping, conservation tillage, and agroforestry, in order to sequester CO2 and deposit it in vegetation and soil reservoirs. The recent European Parliament and EU Council CRCF Regulation sets quality criteria for certifying carbon removals in agroecosystems and highlights the need for a robust Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) system. However, despite numerous successful NbS implementations globally, in both urban and agricultural systems, key gaps remain: lack of long-term monitoring, insufficient comparative studies of green, grey, and hybrid solutions, inadequate assessment of social and equity impacts, and inadequate understanding of the NbS acting mechanisms and assessing the impact through their implementation. These gaps hinder broader acceptance and adoption by decision-makers and society. In this session, we will address these gaps in NbS knowledge and implementation, focusing mainly on monitoring needs (including monitoring of mandatory co-benefits, as defined by CRCF). We will also highlight the role of various projects in catalysing the broader uptake of NbS. We aim to leverage systematic monitoring to highlight desirable NbS impacts, develop compelling narratives for stakeholders, and facilitate broader acceptance and adoption of these solutions. Finally, we will explore how current research infrastructures (RI) including, but not limited to, eLTER and itsSites and Platforms, can support the deployment of an EU-wide MRV system mandated by EU legislation.
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