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Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Subterranean Biology (Cluj-Napoca, 18-22 July 2022)
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Edited by Oana Teodora Moldovan
The 25th International Conference on Subterranean Biology is organized under the mottos Looking into the past to see the future of Biospeology and 100 years of Speology at the 1st Institute of Speology in the world. We chose these mottos not only to celebrate the centenary of the Institute of Speleology, founded in 1920, in Cluj, Romania, but also for bringing together specialists that made big steps in the development of biospeology and those that are still working in this science field with amazing discoveries and unexpected applications. It is important to remember that new and cutting-edge researches must always start by looking back, at what was done, in order to understand processes and gather inspiration. 
The founder of the 1st Institute of Speleology in the world was Emil Racovitza, who was invited by the Transylvanian authorities to be a professor at the newly reorganized University in Cluj. He accepted with several conditions, one of which was the founding of an Institute of Speleology under his supervision. The Romanian speological enterprise started in 1920. Emil Racovitza is considered the founder of biospeology and he defined the new science in his Essay on biospeological problems (1907), which later changed its name to biospeleology or speleobiology (or subterranean biology to encompass all subterranean habitats). The Conference will be organized under the auspices of the International Society for Subterranean Biology (ISSB-SIBIOS), with 4 days of oral presentations and posters and 3 days of speological field-trips to enjoy the Transylvanian natural and cultural treasures.
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